State Bank of Pakistan has entrusted the task of enlistment and monitoring of Professional Valuers to Pakistan Banks’ Association (PBA).
In the context of the banking industry in Pakistan, Professional Valuers are individuals or organizations that appraise the value of assets and collaterals provided to Banks and Financial Institutions for the purpose of securing loans & advances and any other facilities.
The banking industry may only use the services of PBA enlisted Professional Valuers for assessment of value of assets located in Pakistan. They will also use the services of PBA enlisted Professional Valuers for assessment of values of assets that do not form collaterals.
Professional Valuers do not require PBA enlistment for issuing Valuation Reports that will not be used by the local banking industry. Likewise, Financial Institutions that are not regulated by State Bank of Pakistan are not required to use the services of PBA enlisted Professional Valuers.

Guidelines and Forms
Application Form for Valuator .
Enlistment and monitoring is done according to a set of Guidelines developed for the purpose.
Upon receipt of Application for Enlistment, PBA applies a point based criterion to determine the potential of the applicant to carry out Valuations for the Banking Industry in Pakistan, and assigns a recommended limit for the size of facilities sought by a bank client, against which the Bank or Financial Institution may accept the subject Professional Valuer’s Valuation Reports. If the Recommended Limits are acceptable to Professional Valuers, they are enlisted.
Periodic Data Input Form
Once enlisted, Professional Valuers are required to submit data for the Valuations done by them for the Banking Industry on a monthly basis. This data is required to be submitted on PBA specified formats, along with the changes in any other factor which is a part of the PBA enlistment criteria.
Notes to Periodic Data Input Form
Based on the data provided by the Professional Valuers, and some other factors that are a part of the PBA assessment criteria, their performance is reviewed on an annual basis, after which enlistment is renewed under recalculated Recommended Limits.
List of PBA Approved Professional Valuers
List of Professional Valuers
List of Offices of Professional Valuers
Geographical Segments in which Professional Valuers Operate
Commodities in which Professional Valuers have Valuation experience
List of Allied Valuer Concerns
Industry / Commodity Specialist
From 2013 onwards, PBA has introduced a panel of Industry and Commodity Specialists, so that Professional Valuers may avail their expertise in valuation of respective industries / commodities.
Commodity Specialists
List of Industry / Commodity Specialists
List of Approved Specialist
Standard CV Format for Industry/Commodity Specialists
Periodic Data Input Form for Enlisted Specialists
Kindly note that address specified in the Guidelines is no more valid. The New address is:
Islamic Chamber of Commerce Building, Ground Floor, St. 2/A, Clifton, Block 9, Karachi.
For queries/information, please contact us at the phone numbers 0321-6664048 or 0331-6664048.