Pakistan Banks’ Association (PBA) has started creating a Panel of Approved Security Agencies from 24 September 2007. Banks / F.I.s falling under jurisdiction of State Bank of Pakistan are required to deploy Guards for their branches / offices from, and use Cash in Transit Services of, only those Security Agencies which are enlisted on the PBA Panel of Approved Security Agencies.

Approved Security Agencies
List of Approved Security Agencies whose operating licenses for Islamabad Capital Territory are in process of renewal
Enhancement of Bank Security
Recommended minimum standarads of security for branches offices of Banks/DFIs
Security Agencies
For creation of the Panel of Approved Security Agencies, PBA has issued Guidelines for Enlistment of Security Agencies.
The conditions for enlistment of Security Agencies are specified in Clause 4 of the Guidelines.
The current lists of Approved Security Agencies are as under
Banks / F.I.s
Banks / F.I.s may continue their existing contracts with Security Agencies till expiry. After expiry they are required to renew / enter into contracts with only those Security Agencies which are on the PBA Panel of Approved Security Agencies.
Security Agencies must enclose copies of the required documents with the Application Form, and sign the specified undertakings.
One of the conditions for enlistment is that the Security Agencies will verify the Credentials of their Guards / Supervisors serving the Banking Industry. All such Guards / Supervisors whose credentials are doubtful or prove defective in any manner will be removed from the Banking Industry.
Data Forms
Softcopy of all data to PBA should be sent on email address
Kindly note that address specified in the Guidelines is no more valid. The New address is:
Islamic Chamber of Commerce Building, Ground Floor, St. 2/A, Clifton, Block 9, Karachi.
For queries/information, please contact us at the phone numbers 0321-6664048 or 0331-6664048.